Having specific policies around the food and drinks provided at your centre can help your staff feel supported in decision-making processes.
Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority have policy guidelines for nutrition, food and beverage requirements – this template is a good starting point to guide policy development.
Under National Regulations, ECECs must have policies and procedures in place for nutrition, food and beverages, and dietary requirements (regulation 168). These can also be used as evidence to meet and exceed Quality Area 2.1 – Element 2.1.3.
Taking the time to engage with your staff, parents of the children and even children themselves when writing these policies can also make them more relevant and meaningful to your centre.
To make informed decisions about what is nutritious and appropriate for children, refer to the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents.
The Education and Care Services National Regulations require that:
– the food or beverages offered are nutritious and adequate in quantity, and are chosen having regard to the dietary requirements of each child including their growth and development needs and any specific cultural, religious or health requirements (Regulation 79) (this does not apply to food supplied for the child by child’s parents)
– if the service provides food and drinks (other than water), a weekly menu which accurately describes the food and drinks must be displayed at the service at a place accessible to parents (Regulation 80)
– the approved provider must ensure policies and procedures are in place in relation to health and safety, including nutrition, food and drinks, and dietary requirements (Regulation 168).