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Vegie Bites

Traffic Light:

Serves: Approximately 20 (50g each)

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  • 1 medium cauliflower, chopped
  • 1 medium broccoli, chopped
  • 2 slices bread, torn into small pieces
  • Pinch of Italian seasoning
  • 100g reduced fat cheese, grated
  • 2 eggs

Tip: The yield and size will depend on the size of the cauliflower and broccoli – adjust accordingly.


  1. Preheat oven to 180°C, line baking tray with grease proof paper
  2. Steam cauliflower and broccoli until tender, mash or blend with a hand mixer
  3. Combine cauliflower, broccoli and remaining ingredients in a large bowl, mix together until combined
  4. Shape two heaped tablespoons of mixture into patties or balls, place on baking tray
  5. Bake 15 minutes or until golden, turn over and bake for a further 10 minutes.

Nutrition information panel

Nutrient Per Serve Per 100g
Energy 170kJ 335kJ
Protin 3.3g 6.5g
Total fat 1.7g 3.3g
Saturated fat 0.8g 1.7g
Carbohydrate 2.5g 5.0g
Sugars 0.9g 1.8g
Dietary Fibre 0.8g 1.7g
Sodium 60mg 119mg
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