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School canteens play a vital role in promoting health and well-being while also contributing to the broader community and environment.

Food brings people together and for some students and parents the canteen can be the perfect place to experience connectedness.

Business operations

Foodcore have highly experienced Canteen Supervisors and Business Managers as part of our staff to assist with general questions about the day to day running of the canteen.

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Canteen community

Canteens offer numerous benefits that extend beyond merely providing food to students playing a vital role in promoting health and well-being while also contributing to the broader community and environment. They are an integral part of the school community.

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Special opportunities and events

Whether you want to nominate your valued volunteers for an award, thank canteen staff on Canteen Day or apply for one of three $1,000 grants for the canteen, we have you covered.

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In the school canteen environment of today, professional development is essential for canteen staff to keep skills and knowledge up to date and keep pace with industry changes and legislative requirements.

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Food safety, including allergy

Everyone working with food has a personal responsibility to handle food safely. Poor food safety can have serious consequences.

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Policies / Guidelines

The school canteen is an integral part of the learning environment, and as such should operate in a manner that supports the health messages of the curriculum.

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Uniting people through
healthy eating.

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Contact Foodcore

Do you have a question?

PO Box 3484, East Perth WA 6892