Everyone working with food has a personal responsibility to handle food safely. Poor food safety can have serious consequences. Following good food safety practices and developing a positive food safety culture is the best way to ensure the food supplied is safe and has high customer satisfaction.

Food safety and hygiene

Schools, as registered food businesses must follow the Food Act 2008 and the Food Regulations 2009, there are three requirements:

1. Appoint a Food Safety Supervisor (who must complete accredited Food Safety Supervisor training every 5 years, comprehensive full-day training). A food safety supervisor must undergo training by a registered training organisation and complete the following units of competency:

  • SITXFSA005 – Use hygienic practices for food safety
  • SITXFSA006 – Participate in safe food handling practices.

2. All other paid and volunteer staff must complete Food Handler training (e.g. FoodSafe, 60-minute online training). Foodcore members can access FoodSafe online for FREE
3. Show your food is safe by implementing food safety records (e.g. paperwork and procedures).


Everyone working in food service, from the manager through to the food preparation and service staff, needs to be aware of the risks food allergies pose. It’s also important to be clear on how to identify and manage food allergens and how to respond to enquiries from customers with food allergies.

It is a requirement of compliance with the Healthy Food and Drink in Public Schools policy that all paid and volunteer staff complete

  • FoodSafe® Food Handler Training, or its equivalent and
  • All about Allergens training.
View Training

Contact Foodcore

Do you have a question?

PO Box 3484, East Perth WA 6892