The school canteen is an integral part of the learning environment, and as such should operate in a manner that supports the health messages of the curriculum.
Public schools are required to follow the Department of Education’s Student Health in Public Schools policy, and Appendix B Healthy Food and Drink. (Formally known as the Healthy Food and Drink policy, or HFD policy).
Catholic schools are encouraged to support a whole-school approach to health and wellbeing and to see advice from their Principals and Catholic Education WA.
The policy is based on the:
- Australian Dietary Guidelines; Australian Guide to Healthy Eating
- Health Promoting Schools Framework
- Traffic light system of categorising items as green, amber or red
The policy applies to all areas of the school where the Principal is responsible for the supply of food and drinks. For example, the canteen/food service (canteen), classroom rewards, excursions and camps, classroom cooking activities and school based fundraising. Principals are encouraged to promote consistent messages about healthy lifestyles in all school activities.