Foodcore (formerly the Western Australian School Canteen Association Inc. (WASCA)) has been in operation for 30 years.

Over that time food provision and nutrition knowledge has changed, grown and evolved. Our organisation has changed too, expanding to offer more services, in more settings and improved accessibility.

Today, we advocate for healthy food environments in schools, community, sport, health services, workplaces and early years settings. It was time for our name and brand to grow with us and the people we serve.

At Foodcore, we cherish the holistic power of communal dining. Our mission is to make providing healthy, varied, and delicious meals to groups, both big and small, simple and sustainable.

In May 2024 we celebrated 30 years with an anniversary event where we also launched our rebrand. To see the journey of the association view the presentation.

Download Presentation (PDF)

Meet our team & Board

The Foodcore Board and staff are dedicated to uniting people through healthy eating.

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30 years: A History of Foodcore

Your partner in food service and nutrition since 1994.

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Our constitution, policies and reports

As a not-for-profit organisation we have a responsibility to govern the organisation to ensure we are meeting funding obligations and the needs of our members.

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Contact Foodcore

Do you have a question?

PO Box 3484, East Perth WA 6892