Our Strategic Direction

Our Vision

A sustainable equitable healthy food environment

Our Purpose

To provide nutrition and food service support

Our Mission

We advocate for healthy food environments by providing support and education to empower communities

Our Values

Working together to achieve more

Being innovative, passionate and evidence based

Acting with honesty, courage and accountability

Our Objects

  • To promote the provision of healthy food environments where we work, learn and play
  • Being a leader in influencing policy and advocating for healthy food environments consistent with the Australian Dietary Guidelines
  • To advocate for the relationship between food and wellbeing
  • To provide evidence-based advice, training and support to create healthy food environments and viable food services
  • To engage and collaborate with key stakeholders and organisations with objects similar to the objects of the Association
Contact Foodcore

Do you have a question?

PO Box 3484, East Perth WA 6892